Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Telangana get ready for the first Battle for Self Determination

We have been saying for sometime now “The time for discussions, committees and commissions is over, what we need now is direct action”. So sons and daughters of Telangana get ready for the first of the many battles we will have to wage and win if our long cherished desire for self respect and self determination is to be achieved. The days of presentations and representations to sundry committees and commissions is over, for long we have relied on them to aid us in enjoying the basic of basic human rights, the right to livelihood, the right to water, the right to education, we have to start fighting for this today, tomorrow and everyday till Telangana is formed.
The first battle of Telangana has to be fought for our rightful share in the portals of higher learning. And what better place to fire our first salvo than the admission to PG courses in our Universities. Entrance examinations for 52 post-graduate courses offered by the Osmania University in Hyderabad, Telangana University in Nizamabad, Mahatma Gandhi University in Nalgonda and Palamuru University in Mahabunagar are scheduled to be held from June 14 to June 24 for nearly 15,000 seats across all disciplines. And we need to see that 80% of these seats are awarded to Telangana students.
For the last many years, the lion’s share of these seats has been allotted to students from Seemandhra region under the garb of open competitive examinations. Needless to say students from these regions are able to get better grades because they come from agriculturally affluent families, have had access to better educational facilities. While the students from Telangana, who for the most part are the first generation in their social strata to try to enter the Universities. It is a sociological truth that the differences in the social status read affluence has a direct impact on educational excellence. So going by this logic, even if competitive examinations are conducted for these seats in Telangana, the system is skewed in favor of these settlers, and will only create avenues for higher learning and earning for them while systematically denying our youth avenues for advancement. The disparity in the grades is so high that even for seats in the reserved categories, students from Seemandhra score above their Telangana counterparts.
We need to be aware of these dynamics and ensure the future generations of Telangana are not discriminated by the system, in the guise of competition. We need to ensure that admissions to these Telangana Universities are conducted as they would be in our separate state, and the students from Telangana are awarded 80% of the seats. This practice is prevalent in all states where the sons of the soil get a majority share of the seats and the remaining are awarded to students from other states. There is no earthly reason why Telangana cannot have the same system.
We will go the right way on this, present a petition to the Director, Directorate of Admissions, and the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of these and other Universities and Professional institutes in Telangana. However, at the ground level it has to be enforced by constant and unrelenting vigilance. Our professors and administrative staff in these institutes need to aware of and highlight to us Telangana people, if our students are denied seats because they have been gifted to the Seemandhra sons and daughters. And to take it back from them, using force if we have to. For long we have waited with open palms for our basic rights, we now need to be prepared to take it by force if we are pushed.
It is only when these Seemandhra’s realize that Telangana is no longer the land of I came, I saw and I conquered, which you can plunder at will. It is only when we evolve from being passive pawns to a highly awakened and defiant self that does shy from protecting its resources whether it is academic, employment, political and natural that Telangana will become a reality.
Jai Telangana. Jai Hind

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Telangana Inter student deliberately failed by Seemandhra evaluator

First they took our jobs, then they took our lands, then they took our seats in institutes of higher learning, then they took away our waters making our lands barren, and finally having brought us to the brink of human extinction they have the malice to kill even hope for a better future from the lives of our innocent children.
Not content with driving our youth to suicide in desperation and shooting rubber pellets and water canons, at us like rabid animals the Seemandhra’s guillotine has trained its sight on snuffing out the future of our just out of school students. A startling though not surprising fact was brought to light the other day, when an intermediate 2nd year student from Warangal, who was awarded a mighty zero in economics scored a distinguished 75. marks out of 100 in the same subject when he applied for revaluation of the answer sheet. And guess who the evaluator was, a lecturer from a private college in Kadapa. Strange is the explanation given by the lecturer for awarding zero marks, he says he did so “as he could not understand the answers written in English”. We knew this would happen but were hoping against hope that these malevolent forces would not stoop as low as this.
The Telangana lobby had alerted both the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, on the evaluators from Seemandhra unleashing their hatred for Telangana and deliberately failing our students. But as always our pleas went unheeded, it is indeed God’s benevolence, that this lad had the courage and self confidence to approach the Board of Intermediate Education for reevaluation, he could have fallen prey to dejection as scores of other students do. This is just one instance that has come to light, there may be thousands of cases like this, where students from Telangana have been deliberately failed in retaliation to our struggle for a separate state.
Killing the future of a student even before it takes off, is a heinous crime comparable to rape, the damage done to the future prospects of the student, the loss of morale and confidence in self can never be repaired. These butchers of our children’s future are worse then Ajmal Kasab the Pakistani terrorist who carried out the 26/11 attack in Mumbai. He has only taken lives, while these psychological terrorists have tried to maim and kill hope of our future generation, the worse of worst crimes.
If we the people of Telangana, are to have faith in the system then the only solution is to have the answer papers of all SSC and Intermediate students from Telangana reevaluated by an independent authority better still have them corrected by lecturers from other states. This may be involve costs and delay the admission to colleges, so what! These are of no consequence where the future of even one student unjustly failed is concerned.
It is up to the Government and the Education Department to see to it that justice is done to our students and they are not made to suffer because we demand our right to self determination and self respect.
Jai Telangana. Jai Hind