Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Makara Sankranti - An end to Telangana antagonists

'Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya', may you go higher & higher, to more & more Light and never to Darkness. This is Makar Sankranti’s message to the people of Telangana. As Surya begins its ascendancy today, so shall Telangana begin its.

Just as Lord Vishnu ended the terrors of the Asuras on this day, by finishing them off and burying their heads under the Mandara Parvata, so do we the people of Telangana need to finish the evil and exploitative forces that hold us in bondage. We have raised our voice and it has hardly made a dent in the center’s policy. We are still hearing words like “normalcy to return”, “consultative approach” from the Central leadership. The time for discussions, platitudes and negotiations is over, like Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra, we have to sever the power fount of the exploitative anti Telangana forces. The resistance to Telangana is from two powerful forces the land mafia in Hyderabad and the Government contractors in AP. Dry the power of these two factions and the life blood of the anti Telangana forces will dry down.

First, how do we tackle the land mafia with their political, and goonda power. We have neither the money nor the gun toting armies like them, but we have is as powerful as the Sudarshan chakra, the might of our numbers and our determination and like Vishnu we need to wield it just once. Let us take one strong and decisive move, select the most visible and voluble Telangana antagonist, a highly visible example of trickery and cheating who has illegally occupied acres of prime land in Hyderabad, and lay siege to its offices and business interests and force the suspension of work. This will hit the exploiters jugular with no effect on the people and future of Telangana. We all know this business house will not have employed any person from Telangana hence if its offices are closed down the livelihood of our people is not jeopardized nor will it impact our future as the business will not be working on the regions development. Its mantra would be make money in Hyderabad and develop Vijayawada or Vizag. This will give out the message, loud and clear to the others that it is time for them to pack their bags and go.

Coming to the Government contractors, how do we tackle them. This is where our brothers and sisters in Government and Administration need to pitch in. You will have to see to it, that no contractor except if it is from Telangana is awarded any project. And if it has completed or is working on any project ensure the money due to them is delayed indefinitely. I am sure we can make this happen by using the Government machinery to delay approvals and payments. Once they realize that Hyderabad and Telangana is no longer the goose that lays the golden egg, their antipathy and resistance to our state will die a natural death.

This will require firm and decisive action on our part, and if we hesitate any longer the time will be lost and we will have to wait for another 50 years for a Makar Sankranti like todays. Let us remember we have lost all and there is nothing more to lose. Now, there is just one way to go, UP. Telangana will be born not with a whimper but a roar.

Jai Telangana
Jai Hind


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok lets go by what few telangana ppl say.............
boycot andhra ppl, send the andhra ppl back... ok good.....
at the same time.......
SEND back all the telangana settlers from Bangalore/mumbai/delhi/dubai/sharaja/USA/rest of the world.......
if say this see how telanana ppl feel....