Members of the samakhya Andhra faction have tried playing Munna Bhai by sending sweets to the members of the JAC. What you have failed to realize is that for gestures like these, there has to be reformation of evil designs and the act has to be a visible manifestation of the change within. Without the remorse and genuine regret acts like these will remain what they are, dramabaazi.
The very fact, that you resist our cry for justice and self respect belies your avowed intentions of brotherhood. Today, you look at sending sweets to our leaders as a grand gesture of patience and tolerance, but did you not think of sending a few handful of grains to our people who continue to die of starvation. Do you think that the sweets you send will bring a smile to the families of our farmers, whose fathers and brothers have been forced to commit suicide because they were unable to bear the burden of barren lands any longer. Lands that are barren because, our waters that would irrigated their crops have been diverted to your fields.
Do you honestly believe that sending sweets to the families of our people, whose jobs you continue to usurp will show your greatness? Or will the handful of sugar and wheat flour assuage the heartburn and despair of our students, who find the portals of the universities closed for them, because our seats have been captured by you and your ilk.
You continue to show your callousness even in this gesture, pray tell me do you think that our struggle to liberate our mother Telangana, who has been forcibly confined to the brothel that is AP, be brought over by sweets.
Listen, to your conscience if you have one and let Telangana free. If you really want to distribute sweetness and light, let the voice of reason and humanity prevail this Sankranti. Act, while you still have the chance to go in honour. Do not try our patience any longer. For if we have to force you to leave, God knows you will leaving your chappals too behind.
Jai Telangana
Jai Hind
ok lets go by what few telangana ppl say.............
boycot andhra ppl, send the andhra ppl back... ok good.....
at the same time.......
SEND back all the telangana settlers from Bangalore/mumbai/delhi/dubai/sharaja/USA/rest of the world.......
if say this see how telanana ppl feel....
@ Anonymous...
Truly speaking, you're behaving like a kid. Firstly get out of the illusion that only a few Telangana people want the separate state. You're wrong! We want Telangana and 'we' here represents the whole of the Telangana Region.
And send back all Telangana settlers from bangalore/mumbai/delhi/blah/blah? wtf! Okay, possible to make all cities no free zones? Have you gone crazy or something? You're trying to bring an unnecessary argument which certainly makes no sense at all. If you have perfect reasons on 'why ''NO'' Telangana?' then you can better come back here and leave a comment.
You certainly do not make sense and I swear and I pray to god that you be the one, the first one, to leave your chappals behind and run back to your andhra.
Jai telangana..
Now and forever.
It stands to reason that TRS and the whole telangana platform were defeated in the recent elections in 2009. That cannot be ignored.
Simply because goondas are raising a galata in the guise of students so-called telangana cannot be given.
Let there be a taluk-by-taluk referendum and see which places vote for telangana or andhra. Principle of contiguity has to be followed in this kind of vote.
My guess is that no-one in hyderabad wants to be with these telangana bloodsuckers/lawless people.
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