As Nero played the fiddle while Rome burnt, so did Rosiah today present the budget for the dead state of AP, as the city of Hyderabad burned. For how long will the powers that be delude themselves into thinking that the demand for Telangana will die down. The events in the Capital of Telangana today and the response of the Administration sounded the death knell to the hopes of the Andhraseema people, who were thinking that with the Sri Krishna Commission’s constitution they will have a few years more to continue their rape and exploitation of Telangana.
The fact that a few students proposed march to the Assembly, brought the State administration to its knees and forced the police to cordon off the Assembly area, and fence in the city by water tight barricades across state Highways, cancel all inter city trains on the false alarm of a bomb threat, and halt the intracity MMTS. If this is the reaction and fear a few thousand students proposed peace march can create, imagine what will happen when the 3.5 crore people of Telangana take to the streets. Will the administration then mobilize the entire police force of the country and the paramilitary forces and imprison the people of Telangana in their localities, villages and districts, as they today confine our students within the University, Colleges and hostels, with wire fencing and threat of batons and rubber pellets.
And what of our exalted Chief Minister, his cabinet and the so called people’s representatives, they reached the Assembly in their air-conditioned cars, blind to the barricades and the simmering passions in the city. Which they anyways cannot see because of the tinted glass of their cars and homes and the ears that can only hear the call of Delhi. What a travesty of democracy, that these people’s representatives should play at budget, budget while the city cracks under tension and those of us who cannot bear this strain, crack and immolate themselves. Are these MLA’s so foolish that they believe the current Legislative Assembly can survive for the next few months. Most probably they are too scared to face the reality that this is the last time they are sitting within the Assembly premises.
To all intents and purposes, Rosiah has presented a dead budget which will not see the light of the next financial year. For within the next six months, the Finance Minister of Telangana will present the State’s first budget, in the same Assembly.
Jai Telangana
Jai Hind
Some straight Qs...
Why is Mr.KCR sitting in his A/C Home even as all these ghastly and stupid incidents are taking place.Why isnt "Telangana JAC" or KCR starting a fast unto death like the great potti.sriramulu did for the cause of United Andhra.
Dont you think if KCR had really started fasting seriously,he wouldn't have stopped till centre announces a seperate state(his fasting was a "Drama" that we telanagnites have taken so seriously)?
Do you think that the 3.5Cr Telangana people dont have any other issues in their life,why dont you try and get "REAL" people(not those who are being instigated by mindless speeches) onto the streets?
If the people of Telangana really want a seperate state why did TRS get < 5 assembly seats in the 09 elections?
Why was KCR silent as long as YSR was alive and when TRS was more powerful than today(2004-2009).... Was he afraid of YSR or was he being bribed?
List out 10 logical advantages that the people of Telanagana will have if a seperate state is formed.
You seem to be spending loads of time writing this very informative blog.Please list out atleast 4 things that you have done to improve the lives of our fellow Telangana people.What have "YOU" done for our motherland?
If you do not have a valid and sensible answer for any of the above issues.its my sincere advice to you to start working on the ground to mobilise people.
Hi Anonymous
At a high level to respond to your question, Telangana is not the Jagir of KCR, it does not matter if he is sleeping in his ac home or in a hovel. He is just one of the many politicians of Telangana. what matters is that Telangana state is the only way for us to improve our life,you want to know 10 reasons, let me give them to you straight, 1. Our people will get the jobs in our state and not have them usurped by outsiders, 2. the waters of our rivers will irrigate our fields, 3.We will develop more universities in our state 4. The housing board allotemnts will be for our people and not sold to outsiders. These are a few reasons. To know the rest give me your email id, I will send the replies there. Neera
:) Kishore,
i said 10 "LOGICAL" advantages... Let me analyse your answer...
1)issue of jobs...How many jobs would Telangana formation create?
If you feel outsiders are usurping jobs in our region.... what do you think of people from Telangana working in bangalore/Delhi/Vijayawada or Newyork ...? Are they usurping local jobs there?I would like to know what are you doing by profession? Telangana formation may create jobs temporarily but in the long term there is a chance of us getting isolated.
2)issue of water.... As of 2002 Telangana gets 40% of total water-supply of AP (including irrigation and household and industrial usage)...If your agenda is stop the water from going into Andhra by building lots of Dams....think of Maharashtra and Karnataka ..We'll face the same fate as our fellow telugu people in the Krishna-Godavari Basin may see.So,this doesn't work.
3)Issue of Universities : Telangana has more Universities than Andhra + Rayalseema included.We have IIIT Hyd,NIT Warangal, and a proposed IIT near Medak... What does Andhra+Rayalseema have? Tell me how well are we using one Hyderabad's most prestigious places the OU? ... Isn't it sad that students are losing their educational aspirations and being dragged into this political drama? How well are we using OU?
Housing Board Allotments: As part of the Indiramma Housing scheme recently implemented by Govt of AP 60% of the houses were built in the Telangana Region and given away to local people. Do you think if Telangana is formed ,Govt of Telangana will be some charity organisation?...The rules of economics and welfare exist everywhere ...Telangana ,Andhra ,Andaman or Pakistan....Telangana formation would result in more corruption and richer politicians.....Let me know if you have more next reply will concentrate on solutions for the problems you mentioned....
and you did not answer this my friend... :)
You seem to be spending loads of time writing this very informative blog.Please list out atleast 4 things that you have done to improve the lives of our fellow Telangana people.What have "YOU" done for our motherland?
Any contribution from you to help fellow telugu people or for that matter any human-being?
Where id you get your figures, they are ridiculous. As requested please send me your email id, if you want o hide behind an anonymous id too,OK just send it, I will send the facts and their sources to you. You want to know what I have done for Telangana
1. I have provided to jobs to 5 Telangana people..can you say this
2. I have conducted several blood donaion camps in Telangana
3. We have organised several health checkup camps
4. I have ben providing free medicines to the less fortunate, who approach me
If you want, I will invite you to meet witnesses and beneficiaries of these activities.
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