The Congress at the center has once made a mockery of the Telangana people’s just demand for a separate state by constituting the Sri Krishna Commission and its vague and lets put Telangana on the back burner terms of reference.
The very constitution of the Sri Krishna commission, is a betrayal of the people. It has clearly been set up on behest of the anti Telangana lobby, which believes that the people of Telangana can once again be beguiled into believing that justice will prevail. Clearly, the intentions of the Government are suspect in the least and criminal in the extreme, is this what our students have taken their life for, is it the justice we can expect from a stone hearted Government, which is more amenable to the money bag Seema Andhra lobby than it is for the deprived people of Telangana who have laid their trust in the Congress by electing it at the center and state.
Maybe, the decision of the students to take their life was the right one, atleast they do not have to see their future being bartered away for a few hundred crores, maybe the center will awaken to the lament of Telangana when the last pyre of the Telangana man is lit, and the 3.5 crore people either take their own lives or are systematically murdered in spirit and body by the Seema Andhra gang lords.
The story of Telangana is like a beautiful and virtuous lady who has been forcibly confined to the brothel that is Andhra Pradesh and every attempt she makes to break free is crushed by her tormentors, on the specious plea that it is for her own good, as she is protected from the big bad world by continuing to stay in the brothel that is Andhra Pradesh. And to top it all, these tormentors of Telangana continue to pillage and rape the region under the benign patronage of the Central Government.
However, the time of Telangana has come, and we do not need the likes of Sri Krishna Commission, our demand from the Centre is redefine the Terms of Reference of the Commission to just 3 points
• Work on the modality for the bifurcation of the state to Telangana and Andhra
• Devise a formula for sharing water and power
• Devise a plan for repatriating people from Andhra Seema region to their respective places
And a time frame of 30 days to prepare a report. This is what we demand and this is what we shall have. If the Center does not have the guts to repeal the ToR’s of this hum bug Commission, we the people of Telangana will constitute a separate people’s commission with the three point ToR’s and force you to heed to our demands.
Jai Telangana
Jai Hind
1 comment:
The people can be divided for the benefit of a few - this is no great idea and has always been practiced for personal gains. If people in telengana feel disadvantaged, violence and separation of a few districts into a non-viable state is not the answer - you can create hundreds of kingdoms in this country but that will not guarantee equity. The sensible means is to seek greater autonomy and develop a sustained plan for development of this backward region.
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