The Supreme Court on 26 February 2010, slammed the Andhra Pradesh Government for deploying Greyhounds, the elite anti-Naxalite police force in Osmania University campus to arrest the demand for Telangana state, which is being spear headed by students across the region.
The Supreme Court, in its censure of the State Government, stated there is no conclusive proof of the Telangana movement having been infiltrated and stage managed by the Naxals and Maoists. The naxal and maoist bogey was being raised time and again both by the Home Minister Mr.Chidambaram who used it as excuse to back track on the December 9, 2009 statement on Telangana state, and by the State Administration right from the Governor ESL Narasimhan, the IG of Police Mr. Girish Kumar to the DGP Mr. AK Khan, as an excuse to justify the police excesses, within the University campus and the Telangana protagonists.
We the people of Telangana, have just one question for Mr. Chidambaram, “Now that your lies have been nailed, are you and your Government, willing to accept that you have lied to the Nation. Is your Government ready to redress the emotional turmoil and mental anguish that you have inflicted on the people of Telangana. Are you man enough to redeem yourself in the eyes of the Nation, and set the process rolling for a separate state. Or will you get your henchmen and their leader Narasimhan, to prepare another bogus report on the Naxal and Maoist infiltration.
If, as your counsel argued, mere setting buses on fire justifies the State’s violent reaction then pray tell us, why were not these forces used against members of your party, who went on a murder and loot spree in 1983, post the assassination of Indira Gandhi. Was it because they were on the right side of the Central Leadership? Mr. Chidambaram, wake up from the slumber induced by the blood money that the Seemandhra lobby has allegedly paid to your party for scuttling the Telangana issue. Wake up to the unabated suicides of the people from Telangana. Time is running out for your Government to take concrete steps for the creation of Telangana state, if you delay any longer the people of Telangana, may fall prey to the ideology of extremism, History is witness to this.
This was precisely what had happened in the late 60s and early 70’s when the then government crushed the separate Telangana movement with brute force, a process which saw the death of more than 350 students in firing and lathicharge. The frustration caused by the deaths resulted in substantial recruitment into the Naxalite movement and a majority of the current top ranking Maoist leaders are those who joined it in the early and mid 70s. So now as they say, the ball is your court, give us our State and we shall bless you for the next hundred years, but continue to deprive us of our rights and you will be creating the next crop of Naxal and Maoist leaders.
Jai Telangana. Jai Hind
1 comment:
Get your facts right. Telangana movement is led by Naxals , Maoists and Terrorists. Your blog has no facts but your personal agenda
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